The grammar of a catch clause of a try statement is extended to allow a series of exception types, separated by the "OR" operator symbol,"|", to be used in the declaration of the exception parameter. Java7对try的catch子句的语法做了扩展,能接受一系列异常类型,在声明异常参数的地方用“或”操作符(即“”)来进行分隔。
As an exception of the system of right of revocation, the right of revocation of the donator should be named by "right to recall the declaration of will at-will" and means that the donator enjoys the right to regret. 赠与人的撤销权为民法撤销权体系中的特例之一,它实际上应被称为撤回权,并具有后悔权的意义,在性质上更类似于解除权。